
(i)All questions are compulsory. The marks allowed for each question are given beside the question.

(ii) Write your name, enrolment numbers, AI name, and subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

1. Answer any one of the following:

(a) Ramesh has created one birthday wishes card for Surbhi and named it “SURBHI” and kept this under another folder “BIRTHDAY”. Now he also want to have similar card for Rahul(Content will remain same). Write down the steps to make a copy of the file “Surbhi” and name it “Rahul”.

Answer- To make a copy of the file “Surbhi” and name it “Rahul,” follow these steps:

  1. Locate the “BIRTHDAY” folder where the “Surbhi” card is stored.
  2. Find the “Surbhi” file.
  3. Right-click on the “Surbhi” file.
  4. Choose “Copy” from the menu.
  5. Right-click in the same folder and select “Paste.”
  6. Rename the copied file to “Rahul.”
  7. You now have a copy of the “Surbhi” card named “Rahul” in the “BIRTHDAY” folder.

(b) Sudhir has created a word file and named it “National Heritage” on a computer which is also shared by his siblings. Write down the steps for protecting the document as Read Only Document?

Answer– Certainly! To protect a Word document as a Read-Only document, follow these steps:

  1. Open the “National Heritage” document in Microsoft Word.
  2. Click on the “File” tab.
  3. Select “Info” on the left.
  4. Click on “Protect Document.”
  5. Choose “Encrypt with Password.”
  6. Enter a password and confirm it.
  7. Save the document. Now, when opened, it will require the password to edit, effectively making it a Read-Only document.

2. Answer any one of the following

(a) List the various steps to install new software

Answer- To install new software, follow these steps:

  1. Download the software from a trusted source.
  2. Run the installer file (usually an .exe or .dmg).
  3. Follow on-screen instructions for installation.
  4. Choose installation location and options.
  5. Wait for the installation to complete.
  6. Create desktop shortcuts if needed.
  7. Launch the software, enter any required details.
  8. Complete any setup or registration.
  9. Check for updates if available.
  10. Start using the new software.

(b) List the steps to add a new worksheet to your workbook.

Answer- Sure, adding a new worksheet in a workbook involves these steps:

  1. Open your Excel workbook.
  2. Look for the plus sign (+) or “Insert” option at the bottom of the sheet tabs.
  3. Click on the plus sign or “Insert.”
  4. Choose “Insert Worksheet” or a similar option.
  5. A new blank worksheet will appear at the end of your existing sheets.

This helps organize data or create new sections within your Excel workbook.

3. Answer any one of the following:

(a) Write the keyboard shortcut keys of the following

(i) Opening a new document

(ii) Print Preview

(iii) Apply Format Painter

(iv) Superscript

Answer-Certainly! Here are the keyboard shortcut keys for the actions you’ve mentioned:

(i) Opening a new document:

  • Ctrl + N (Windows)
  • Command + N (Mac)

(ii) Print Preview:

  • Ctrl + P (Windows)
  • Command + P (Mac)

(iii) Apply Format Painter:

  • Ctrl + Shift + C (Windows)
  • Command + Option + C (Mac)

(iv) Superscript:

  • To activate superscript, you can use a combination of keys depending on the software you’re using. In Microsoft Word, you can use Ctrl + Shift + = to enter superscript mode.

Please note that the specific key combinations may vary slightly depending on the software or application you are using.

(b) Write the steps to retrieve a file from “Recycle Bin”.

Answer- Of course! Here are the steps to retrieve a file from the “Recycle Bin” on a Windows computer:

  1. Locate the Recycle Bin: You can find the Recycle Bin icon on your computer’s desktop. It looks like a small trash can.
  2. Double-Click the Recycle Bin: Double-click on the Recycle Bin icon to open it.
  3. Find the Deleted File: Inside the Recycle Bin, you’ll see a list of files and folders that you’ve previously deleted.
  4. Select the File to Restore: Find the file you want to retrieve, and click on it to select it.
  5. Restore the File: Once the file is selected, right-click on it, and from the context menu that appears, choose “Restore.” Alternatively, you can drag the file to your desktop or any other location you prefer.

The file will be restored to its original location on your computer, and you can access it as if it was never deleted.

4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.

(a) What features of spreadsheets helps you in making your task easier. List a few of them

Answer– Spreadsheets offer a variety of features that can significantly simplify tasks, making data management, analysis, and calculations more efficient. Here are a few key features that can be particularly helpful:

  1. Automatic Calculations: Spreadsheets can perform complex calculations instantly, saving time and reducing errors. Formulas and functions allow for easy arithmetic, statistical, financial, and logical operations.
  2. Data Sorting and Filtering: Spreadsheets enable you to sort and filter data, helping you quickly organize and analyze information. You can arrange data in ascending or descending order and apply filters to view specific subsets of data.
  3. Charts and Graphs: Creating visual representations of data is easy with built-in charting tools. You can generate various charts like bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs to visualize trends and patterns.
  4. Data Validation: Spreadsheets can be set to validate data entries, ensuring consistency and accuracy. You can define rules for acceptable data and receive alerts for invalid inputs.

These features, among others, make spreadsheets versatile and valuable tools for tasks ranging from budgeting and financial analysis to scientific research and project management. They empower users to efficiently handle and manipulate data, improving productivity and accuracy in a wide range of applications.

(b) Ria created a file named “Ria” but is not able to locate it. Write steps to locate the file?

Answer– Certainly! If Ria has created a file named “Ria” but can’t locate it, she can follow these steps to find the file:

  1. Search on the Desktop: Start by looking directly on the desktop. Sometimes files are saved there by default.
  2. Use the Windows Search Feature (Windows key + S): If it’s a Windows computer, press the Windows key, and then type the file name “Ria” in the search bar at the bottom left corner of the screen. Windows will search for the file throughout the computer.
  3. Search in Specific Folders: If Ria remembers the folder where she saved the file, she can navigate to that folder directly by opening File Explorer and browsing to the folder location.
  4. Check the Recycle Bin: Sometimes, users mistakenly delete files. So, check the Recycle Bin to see if the file got accidentally deleted.
  5. Use Third-Party File Recovery Software: If all else fails, she can use third-party file recovery software to scan the computer for deleted or misplaced files.

By following these steps, Ria should be able to locate her “Ria” file and access it.

5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.

(a) Write the steps for the following:

(i) To create a new file or folder

(ii) To delete a new file or folder

Answer-(i) To Create a New File or Folder: Creating a new file or folder is a fundamental computer task.

Navigate to the Location: Open File Explorer (Windows key + E) and navigate to the location where you want to create the new file or folder.

For a New Folder:

  • Right-click on a blank area in the File Explorer window.
  • From the context menu, select “New” and then “Folder.”
  • Rename the folder if needed.

For a New File:

  • Right-click in the desired location.
  • Choose “New” and select the type of file you want to create (e.g., Text Document, Word Document, etc.).
  • Rename the file and start working on it.

(ii) To Delete a File or Folder: Deleting files or folders is a reversible action if they are in the Recycle Bin.

Select the File or Folder: In File Explorer, select the file or folder you want to delete.

Delete Action:

  • Right-click the selected item.
  • Choose “Delete” from the context menu.

Restore (Optional): To restore a deleted item, you can retrieve it from the Recycle Bin.

Remember to be cautious while deleting, as it’s a permanent action once the item is removed from the Recycle Bin. Always back up important files before deleting them.

(b) Write the steps for the following in the word document

(i) To use Spelling and Grammar checker

(ii). To write page number in footer

Answer-Certainly! Here are the steps to perform the actions in a Microsoft Word document:

(i) To Use Spelling and Grammar Checker:

Using the Spelling and Grammar checker in Microsoft Word helps you ensure that your document is free from spelling and grammatical errors.

  1. Open your Microsoft Word Document: Launch Microsoft Word and open the document in which you want to check spelling and grammar.
  2. Click on “Review” Tab: Go to the “Review” tab on the Ribbon at the top of the Word window.
  3. Spelling and Grammar Checker: In the “Proofing” group, you’ll find the “Spelling & Grammar” button. Click on it.
  4. Review Suggestions: The Spelling and Grammar checker will begin scanning your document for errors. If it finds any errors, it will provide suggestions for corrections. You can choose to accept or ignore these suggestions.

(ii) To Write Page Number in Footer:

Adding page numbers in the footer of your Word document helps keep your pages organized.

  1. Open your Microsoft Word Document: Open the document in which you want to add page numbers.
  2. Go to “Insert” Tab: Navigate to the “Insert” tab on the Ribbon.
  3. Insert Page Number: In the “Header & Footer” group, you’ll find the “Page Number” button. Click on it, and you’ll see various options for page number placement.
  4. Choose Placement: Select where you want the page numbers to appear (e.g., at the bottom of the page). Word will automatically insert the page numbers in the selected location.

6. Prepare any one Project out of the following projects given below:

(a) A School head keeps a spreadsheet for student’s data on his laptop showing their progress in three main subjects. Below is a table which shows a part of that spreadsheet:

a. Name the column which the spreadsheet has been sorted on.

b. Write the formula which is in cell ‘G4’.

c. Write steps to sort the data on Average.


(b) A school has just received the examination results. The results for last three years are stored in this spreadsheet:

Explain how to make a bar graph of this data.
