NIOS Class 12th English (302): NIOS TMA Solution


Tutor Marked Assignment

Max. Marks: 20


  1. All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the question.
  2. Write your name, enrollment number, AI name and subject on the first page of the answer sheet.


  1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. 2

(a) Every child dreams to follow in the footsteps of his / her role model. Who was young Gawaskar’s mentor and guide during childhood. What lessons of life did he learn from him?

Ans: Gavaskar’s main childhood mentor was his uncle, Madhav Mantri, an ex-Indian cricketer. Mantri instilled invaluable lessons: toil, not handouts, earning India colors through sweat and effort, and accepting defeat with sportsmanship. He inspired Gavaskar’s obsessive dedication to batting and ignited his passion for the game.

(b) How has the western world benefited from the use of wind energy? How can India optimally tap this powerful natural resource?

Ans: Western World & Wind Energy:

  • Reduced emissions: Clean electricity generation, offsetting harmful pollutants and mitigating climate change.
  • Energy diversification: Decreased dependence on fossil fuels, enhancing energy security.
  • Job creation: Growing industry with significant employment opportunities.

India & Wind Energy Optimization:

  • Targeted location: Utilize data and research to prioritize areas with strong, consistent wind power.
  • Technological advancements: Invest in newer, larger turbines capable of capturing more wind energy.
  • Grid integration: Improve infrastructure and storage solutions to manage intermittent wind power production.
  • Public awareness: Promote understanding and address concerns to support wider acceptance of wind farms.
  1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. 2

(a) ‘The Banyan Tree is enormous and impressive in sight and benefit’. Justify this statement in the context of the chapter.

Ans: The Banyan’s impressiveness shines in both sight and social impact. Towering over surrounding trees, its expansive canopy offers cool shade and a gathering place for communities. Its unique aerial roots, forming new trunks, add a touch of mystical wonder. From historical shrines to bustling villages, the Banyan stands as a resilient symbol of life and cultural connection.

(b) Gawaskar’s uncle and Bholi’s teacher are shining examples of how a child can be groomed to overcome challenges and lead a rewarding life. Describe the role played by Bholi’s teacher that helped her overcome the challenges she faced from her family and the society.

Ans: Bholi’s teacher became a beacon of hope, wielding kindness and belief where family saw shame and despair. She saw beyond Bholi’s stammer and scars, recognizing a spark waiting to ignite. With gentle encouragement, she coaxed Bholi to speak, fostering her confidence with praise and patience. The teacher’s unwavering faith gave Bholi the courage to face her fears and the strength to dream of a brighter future, ultimately empowering her to defy societal expectations and carve her own path.

  1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. 2
  2. a) On January 16, 2003, Riyaz’s life changed dramatically forever. Describe in your own words the incident that occurred that day. What qualities of his character are highlighted and how can the young boy be emulated as a role model.

Ans: Riyaz’s heroism unfolded on a fateful January day. Hearing a train’s roar, he saw a young girl oblivious on the tracks. Her father, deaf and disoriented, couldn’t react. With lightning speed, Riyaz, though frail, snatched the girl back, saving her but getting struck himself. Riyaz’s story shines with selfless bravery, quick thinking, and an unwavering spirit. This young hero teaches us courage beyond our size, to act even when faced with fear, and to hold onto life’s joys despite immense challenges. He is a true role model, inspiring us to face life’s tracks with bravery and compassion.

(b) Thimmakka’s story is an inspirational saga of sacrifice and humanity. She did not let societal misconceptions and taunts overwhelm her spirit and purpose in life. Describe her life’s trials and tribulations and how she embraced ‘motherhood’ to so many children?

Ans: Facing societal scorn for their childlessness, Thimmakka and her disabled husband adopted 284 banyan trees as their children. They toiled, fetching water, nurturing saplings, battling weather and neglect. Her days were split between back-breaking quarry work and dawn vigils with her “green kids.” Through unwavering love and sacrifice, she watched them flourish into a 3km green haven, defying taunts and proving motherhood extends beyond blood, creating a legacy worth crores.

  1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100–150 words. 4

(a) In today’s fast paced life, moments of peace and respite are few and are apart. Human being should make a conscious effort to indulge in relaxation and leisurely pursuits. According to the poet, William Henry Davies, how can we intersperse our life with such moments and how would it prove beneficial to us?

Ans: William Henry Davies’ poem “Leisure” critiques the modern world’s obsession with busyness, arguing for the essential value of taking time to “stand and stare.” He paints a vivid picture of the beauty we miss due to our frenetic pace: the dappled sunlight through leaves, the squirrels gathering nuts, the subtle language of a smile.

The poet suggests several ways to weave these moments into our lives:

  • Observation: Pausing to truly see our surroundings, like children noticing the secrets nature hides.
  • Appreciation: Turning towards beauty, letting its “feet dance” in our awareness.
  • Presence: Savoring the unfolding of a smile, its silent conversation enriching our own.

These seemingly insignificant moments, argues Davies, enrich our lives far more than the constant pursuit of external goals. They remind us of the simple joys present in every day, nurturing a sense of peace and wonder. By choosing “leisure” over a “poor life full of care,” we reconnect with ourselves and the world around us, finding a deeper meaning in everyday experiences.

In today’s fast-paced world, Davies’ message resonates powerfully. Taking time to stand and stare, to truly witness life’s subtle dances, is not simply an indulgence, but a necessity for both inner well-being and a genuine connection to the world we inhabit.

(b) According to the writer, the purpose of education is to prepare one for a better life and purposeful living. The writer stands on the crossroads of his student life faced with the question – whether knowledge or wisdom, which one of the two is more important. In the context of the chapter, write a brief note on the challenges that the education system faces and what is the need of the present day generation.

Ans: Rahul’s letter paints a poignant picture of an education system prioritizing scores over life skills. He questions the disconnect between textbook knowledge and daily realities. Rigid adherence to rules, like the “tea” debate, stifles critical thinking. His longing for his grandfather’s experiential learning and grandmother’s peaceful wisdom highlights the generation’s need for an education that goes beyond rote memorization.

The present generation craves practical skills like gardening and problem-solving, not just theorems and historical dates. They seek a balance between acquiring knowledge and applying it to navigate life’s complexities. Embracing curiosity, real-world experiences, and the value of living and experiencing can bridge the gap between textbooks and fulfilling lives. Rahul’s plea stands as a testament to this yearning, urging us to reimagine education as a tool for holistic development, not just academic achievement.


  1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.            4

(a) (i) What items should always be handy and available to a receptionist and why?

(ii) Mention and discuss two personality traits of a receptionist and how can they assist him/her in professional conduct.

Ans: (i) Handy Items:

  • Reference List: This includes information about the hotel itself like location, services, room rates, and contact details.
  • Reservation Charts: These track room availability and guest details, crucial for booking inquiries and room extensions.
  • Flight and Train Timetables: Answering travel-related queries requires familiarity with transportation schedules.
  • Telephone Directory: Connecting guests with internal departments and external contacts needs a comprehensive directory.
  • Office Supplies: Pens, paper, notepads, stamps, etc. are essential for taking messages and offering various services.

(ii) Personality Traits:

  1. Tact and Politeness: Receptionists interact with diverse individuals, often facing complaints or tricky situations. Tactful communication and a polite demeanor defuse tension and maintain smooth operation.
  2. Efficiency and Alertness: Multitasking, prioritizing tasks, and responding promptly to guests’ needs require efficiency and awareness. An alert receptionist ensures smooth flow of information and service.

How these traits assist:

  • Tact and politeness foster a positive first impression, building trust and encouraging guests to return. It helps de-escalate conflict and navigate difficult situations with professionalism.
  • Efficiency and alertness ensure prompt service, minimizing guest wait times and maximizing satisfaction. They contribute to a well-organized operation and prevent logistical hiccups.

(b) You are Rahul/Rohini residing in Dehradun. You have recently online purchased a household item from an e-commerce company. However, the item reached you after a considerable delay. The packaging was also damaged. Draft a letter of complaint to the company with relevant details.

Ans: Subject: Complaint Regarding Delayed and Damaged Delivery of Order 346434


The Manager,


Delhi, 201010

Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the recent delivery of my order 346434, placed on 02-04-2023. Unfortunately, the item not only arrived late but also reached me in a damaged condition.

The expected delivery date for my order was [Original delivery date]. However, the item did not arrive until 04-04-2023, a delay of 4 days. This delay caused significant inconvenience as I had planned to use the item.

Upon receiving the package, I was further disappointed to find that the packaging was not good. This raised concerns about the condition of the item itself. As expected, upon opening the package, I discovered that the item part was also missing.

This experience has been incredibly frustrating, and I am deeply disappointed with the quality of service I have received from your company. The delayed and damaged delivery has caused me a considerable amount of inconvenience and disrupted my plans.

Therefore, I request that you address this issue promptly and effectively. I would appreciate it if you could arrange for a replacement item to be delivered promptly.

Please acknowledge this complaint and inform me of the steps you will take to resolve this matter. I have attached pictures of the damaged packaging and item for your reference.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and a satisfactory resolution.




  1. Prepare any one project out of the following in about 500 words.   6

(a) Every child deserves the right to nutritious food and good education. After the two years of pandemic, it is estimated that 405 million children worldwide may have dropped out of the schooling system due to poverty, displacement and lack of resources. Write a project report on the steps that can be taken at the micro and macro levels to bring back these children to school and empower them to take the first step towards their dreams.

Ans: Bringing Children Back to School, Building Brighter Dreams

The Challenge: The pandemic’s shadow lingers, leaving an estimated 405 million children globally out of school. Poverty, displacement, and lack of resources have pushed them away from education, jeopardizing their future. This report outlines actionable steps at both micro and macro levels to bring these children back to school, empowering them to chase their dreams.

Micro Level Interventions:

  • Community-based Outreach: Local NGOs and community organizations can identify out-of-school children and understand their specific needs. This could involve home visits, community meetings, and awareness campaigns.
  • Flexible Learning Programs: Rigid school structures often deter children. Alternative learning spaces and flexible timings can cater to their diverse backgrounds and situations. This could include afternoon or evening classes, mobile learning units, and self-paced learning modules.
  • Financial Support: Poverty is a major barrier. Scholarships, grants, and subsidized meals can ease the financial burden on families and encourage enrollment. This could involve collaborating with local businesses, government programs, and crowdfunding initiatives.
  • Life Skills and Vocational Training: Education isn’t just about textbooks. Equipping children with practical skills like carpentry, tailoring, or basic computer literacy can empower them to earn and contribute to their families.
  • Mentorship and Psychosocial Support: Many children face emotional and social challenges. Providing access to mentors, counselors, and peer support groups can help them overcome these hurdles and feel confident in returning to school.

Macro Level Initiatives:

  • Investing in Education: Governments must prioritize education funding, ensuring adequate resources for infrastructure, teacher training, and curriculum development. This includes allocating funds for targeted programs aimed at bringing out-of-school children back into the system.
  • Strengthening Child Protection Mechanisms: Children from vulnerable backgrounds need strong legal and social protection. Governments must enforce child labor laws, invest in child welfare services, and combat discrimination to ensure their safety and well-being.
  • Bridging the Digital Divide: Lack of access to technology can exacerbate educational inequalities. Governments and private companies must collaborate to provide affordable internet access and digital literacy training to bridge this gap.
  • International Cooperation: The challenge of out-of-school children requires global collaboration. International organizations, NGOs, and donor countries can work together to share best practices, provide financial support, and advocate for policies that prioritize education for all.

Empowering Dreams: Bringing children back to school is not just about statistics; it’s about unlocking their potential. By addressing the root causes and providing them with the right support, we can empower these children to dream big and take the first step towards a brighter future.

Conclusion: This report is a call to action. By implementing these micro and macro level interventions, we can create a world where every child has the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to society. Let’s work together to turn education into a powerful tool for inclusion, empowerment, and a brighter future for all children.


(b) Prepare a bio-sketch on the 72 year old environmentalist, Padma Shree Tulsi Gowda. Collect relevant information about her life and contribution. The project must be written in 5-6 paragraphs covering all the points and information mentioned below.

  • her tribal roots
  • her humble life and background
  • her mission in life and ‘never say’ die attitude
  • her contribution to the environment
  • her mission in life
  • her simplicity, modesty and dedication
  • the glorious ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan
  • why she is rightfully called the ‘Encyclopedia of Forests’?

Ans: Tulsi Gowda: Weaving Green Dreams in the Tapestry of Life

Born into the Halakki tribe of Karnataka, Tulsi Gowda’s life is a testament to the indomitable spirit and the magic of living in harmony with nature. Humble beginnings marked her childhood in Honnalli village, where the whispers of the forest were her lullabies, and the call of the earth, her destiny. Though education remained a distant dream, the whispers of the trees taught her lessons far more profound – the language of leaves, the secrets of bark, the wisdom of birdsong.

Tulsi’s life mission became clear early on: to protect and nurture the very cradle that cradled her. Her “never say die” attitude and tireless energy transformed her into a silent guardian of the forest. For over six decades, she was the beating heart of the Agasur nursery, the source of life for countless trees. With deft hands and a knowing heart, she nurtured saplings, whispered words of encouragement, and watched them rise tall, painting the landscape emerald green.

Her contribution to the environment is nothing short of monumental. Estimates claim she has planted over 100,000 trees, weaving a verdant tapestry across Karnataka. But her impact is far deeper than mere numbers. She possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of the forest – from identifying the mother tree of every species to understanding the complex web of life that thrives beneath the sun-dappled canopy. This earned her the moniker “Encyclopedia of Forests,” a name whispered with reverence by both tribe and environmentalists alike.

Yet, amidst her achievements, Tulsi remains as humble as the forest floor. Simplicity and dedication are her jewels, and the joy of nurturing her true reward. The grand ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan, where she received the prestigious Padma Shri award, stands as a testament to her extraordinary life. But even amidst the glittering lights, Tulsi’s eyes held the quiet wisdom of the woods, reminding us that the greatest treasures lie not in recognition, but in the silent communion with nature.

Tulsi Gowda’s story is not just about planting trees; it’s about planting hope. It’s about defying limitations and finding purpose in the simplest acts. It’s about understanding that protecting nature is not a choice, but a responsibility woven into the very fabric of our existence. As Tulsi continues her green crusade, her call resonates across the forests, urging us to listen to the whispers of the earth and join hands to weave a future where humans and nature flourish in harmony.



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