Uttar Pradesh Madhymic Shiksha Parishad has declared class 10 and 12th results on the 25th of Apr 2023. UP Board has confirmed that more than 25% of students were not able to clear the exam.
Many students are placed in compartments and many of them have not received the expected marks in the exam. So, we are going to cover the below query in detail.
- How to check UP Board class 10th and 12 result online?
- How to pass the exam if you have failed in UP Board?
- Do I have to repeat again if my result declared as failed in UP Board?
- What is compartment exam in UP Board?
- What is Improvement exam in UP Board?
- How to apply for compartment or Improvement exam in UP Board?
- What is UP Board Private students?
- Do UPMSP has credit system?
How to check UP Board class 10th and 12 result online?
UP Board declared the result online on 25th April 2023 for class 10 and class 12th students. Students can now check the result online by providing the below details.
To check the UP Board exam result students can use their smartphone and can click on the mentioned link to check the result. Here is the link.

How to pass the exam if you have failed in UP Board?
If you have failed in class 10th or 12th in UP Board by any chance, you can reappear for the exams. Every year lakhs of students failed in exams but they get a chance to complete the same in the next year’s exam. For reappearing for the board exams, students need to register themselves as UP Board Private students.
You can get enrolled for the re-exam for the UP board exam through the same school you were earlier enrolled from. You have a chance to change the school also.
For those who have failed in class 10th board exam can apply for a re-exam using the credit system in UP Board. In this case, only needed to appear for those subjects in which you get failed the exam, and the passed subject marks are transferred to the new mark sheet.
If you are facing any issues regarding the same, you can receive a call from us. You need to join here.
Do I have to repeat again if my result is declared as failed in UP Board?
Yes, if you want to appear for the UP Board exam again then you need to enroll for the upcoming exams. To get enrolled for the exam, you need to connect with your school for the same.
In case you want to save your year, you can apply for the board exam through NIOS Board. It will conduct your exam in upcoming months and declare the result in 4-6 weeks. You can apply for the NIOS Board exam 2023 from here.
What is compartment exam in UP Board?
UP Board declared the result as a compartment if students have failed in 1 subject out of 5. These students they give a chance to appear for the same in-compartment exam at the district school.
If your result is declared as a compartment, then you can apply for the same by visiting your school. They will enroll you online for the same and share the admit card with you.
The exam is conducted within 2 months after the declaration of the board exam result. Once you will clear the compartment exam in UP Board you will be eligible for higher studies.
What is Improvement exam in UP Board?
Improvement exams are conducted by the UP board for those students who were not able to score good percentages in board exams. These students can apply for improvement exams through UP Board to increase their marks.
To appear in the improvement exam students need to connect their school for enrollment. Even, they can apply for part admission if someone wants to appear for additional subjects.
How to apply for a compartment or Improvement exam in UP Board?
To apply for the UP Board compartment or improvement exam, students need to apply for it. Students can reach out to their previous school to ask them to register for the same after the declaration of results.
School registers students to appear for compartment or improvement exam in UP Board in the same year they have passed the exam. Students need to pay the enrollment fee for the same. Once students complete the exam, the board will release a fresh mark sheet to everyone.
What is UP Board Private students?
UP Board classify students into 2 categories as regular student and the other as private students.
Private students are those students who have earlier appeared for the UP Board exam but get failed it. Students who enroll using the patrachar centers are also called private students. In these cases, students can directly appear for board exams without going to regular school.
Do UPMSP has credit system?
Yes, anyone who failed in UP Board High School can use the credit system to apply for a re-exam. UP Board provides students of high school to transfer the marks of the passed subject and can only appear for the board exam in failed subjects.
To get more information about the UP Board exam details, you can reach out to us by joining us here.
If you do have a query, you can ask in the comment section below.
can i give compartment and Improvement exam both in same year in up board
No, you need to appear for compartment first.