CBSE Class 10th and 12th Board exam 2023 has been over. Students are not waiting for their results. CBSE has not confirmed the fixed date to announce the result but it is about to be declared by mid-May.
A lot of students are anxious about their results. As the CBSE Board papers were a little tough this year. Many students are in fear of getting negative results. Each year approximately 20% of students are placed in compartment as well in the essential repeat category.
We are going to discuss the below topics in details.
- When will CBSE declare 2023 Board exam result?
- How can I check my CBSE Exam Result Online?
- What if I will failed in CBSE Board exam?
- Can I pass the Board exam without dropping a year?
- What is CBSE Compartment Exam?
- What is Essential Repeat?
- What is Improvement exam in CBSE?
- What is CBSE Private in CBSE?
When will CBSE declare the 2023 Board exam result?
CBSE has not confirmed the exact date to declare the exam results. There is a lot of probability that CBSE will announce the CBSE result before mid-May. We have always noticed that CBSE has declared class 12th results earlier than Class 10th Board exam results.
We will update you as soon as CBSE will declare the results for the public to check online. We will also update the link to check the CBSE board exam result from mobile.
If in any case, your result will not positive, you do not have to worry about anything. You will get a lot of chance to improve your marks from giving the exam again through CBSE.

How can I check my CBSE Exam Result Online?
CBSE Board exam results can be easily checked online using the CBSE roll number, school number, and admit card ID. These all details are available on the student’s admit card.
Anyone having the connect of the internet can check the result online using the mentioned link.

What if I will failed in CBSE Board exam?
This year CBSE board exams went a little tough. Students are very much worried about their results and they think that they will be not able to achieve the desired score. A lot of students are feeling that they may get placed in the compartment category.
There is also a lot of chance that students will get placed in the failed category which means they have to repeat the board exams in CBSE.
Every year more than 20% of students from CBSE Class 10 and 12th get failed and are placed in compartments. Many students didn’t achieve the desire marks and they need to apply for improvement exams.
If in any case you are not able to clear the exam, you do not have to worry about it. We are here to provide you best options to clear the exam or improve your marks in the board exam without losing any year.
You can join here to get direct help from our expert who will help you clear the exam.
Can I pass the Board exam without dropping a year?
Failure is the first step to success. Sometimes it happens that students were not able to clear the exam in 1st go due to any reason. They might be suffering from some serious illness or they haven’t enough prepared for the exams. We have also noticed that a few students left their exams due to medical emergencies.
So, you all have a chance to clear the board exam in the same year through NIOS(National Institute of Open Schooling). NIOS conducts an exam for those who failed the board exam and it offers students a chance to pass the exam in the same year.
To enroll in NIOS or for more details, you can join here. We will guide you to clear the board exam in one go. You do not have to worry about anything. We will take care of your admission, preparation, and study materials.
What is CBSE Compartment Exam?
Students who get failed in one subject are placed in a compartment category and get three chances to clear the exam in that subject. CBSE conducts a compartment exam each year after declaring the normal board exam result. Usually, the CBSE compartment exam is conducted in June.
Students who get placed in the compartment can apply for CBSE compartment exam online and appear for the exam. They usually get a month of time to prepare for the same.
What is Essential Repeat?
Students having five subjects in their board exam and if they get failed in 2 or more subjects are placed in the essential repeat category by CBSE. CBSE has replaced the term failed with essential repeat which feels little good among the students. This helps students to understand that they can reapply for the board exam as a CBSE Private candidate and pass the exams.
There are other criteria for the essential repeat. It is also varied according to the class students are belonging.
What is Improvement exam in CBSE?
If any students are not able to get the desired marks in the CBSE Board exam, they can apply for the CBSE improvement exam as a CBSE Private candidate. CBSE Conducts improvement exams every year two times. Anyone who wants to improve their marks in the same academic year can apply for one subject. Those who want to drop a year can apply for an improvement exam in one or all subjects.
The syllabus for the improvement exam will be similar to the academic year. The exam pattern will be also the same as the current session. There is no special treatment given to CBSE improvement students.
What is CBSE Private in CBSE?
There is a lot of confusion among students about CBSE Private candidates. CBSE has coined the term CBSE Private for those who have enrolled for the CBSE Board exam but not going to regular school. Mainly in this category CBSE compartment, improvement and failure, students belong.
Students who apply as Delhi girl candidates or apply for any additional subjects are also placed in CBSE Private.
For any other query regarding CBSE results or anything you are having in your mind, you can share with us below. We will make sure to provide you best solutions.
Ma CBSE sa ya khna chata hu ke mara science ma 3tin marks Kam ha to kya CBSE
Muja tin3 marks da sakte ha