(i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.
(ii) Write your name, enrolment numbers, Al name and subject on the first page of the answer sheet.
1. Answer any one of
the following:
(a) Rahul wants to type a letter using his computer. Which application he can use for it? Write steps he should follow.
Answer: Rahul can use a word processing application like Microsoft Word or Google Docs to type a letter on his computer. Here are the steps he should follow:
1. Open the word processing application.
2. Create a new document.
3. Type the letter’s content, including the date, recipient’s address, salutation, body, and closing.
4. Format the text, adjust fonts, and add any necessary formatting.
5. Save the document.
6. Review and edit the letter for any errors.
7. Print or send the letter electronically.
These steps will help Rahul create a well-formatted letter
using a computer application.
(b) Nidhi has
created a personal balance sheet. Write down the steps for protecting the
document as Read Only Document.
Answer: To protect a document as a Read-Only document, Nidhi can follow these steps:
1. Open the document in a word processing application.
2. Go to the “File” menu.
3. Select “Properties” or “Document Properties.”
4. In the properties window, check the option that says “Read-Only” or “Protect Document.”
5. Save the document.
6. Now, the document can only be opened in a read-only mode, preventing accidental changes.
This ensures that Nidhi’s personal balance sheet remains
secure and unaltered by others.
2. Answer any one of
the following:
(a) List the
various steps to search for a file or folder.
Answer: To search for a file or folder on a computer, follow these steps:
· Click on the “Search” or “File Explorer” icon.
· In the search bar, type the file or folder name.
· As you type, the search results will appear below the bar.
· Click on the desired result to open or view it.
· You can also use filters, like file type or date modified, to narrow down the search.
This process helps quickly locate and access specific files or folders on your computer.
(b) List the
steps to delete a worksheet from your workbook.
Answer: To delete a worksheet from a workbook, follow these steps:
1. Right-click on the sheet tab you want to delete.
2. Select “Delete” from the context menu.
3. A confirmation prompt will appear, click “Delete” again.
4. The worksheet will be permanently removed.
This process helps in managing and organizing the content in
your workbook by removing unnecessary or unused sheets.
3. Answer any one of the following:
(a) Write the keyboard shortcut keys
of the following.
Replace / रिप्लेस / बदलें
(ii) Print
/ प्रिंट / मुद्रित कर
(iii) Undo
/ अंडू / पूर्ववत करें
(iv) Save
/ सेव या सहेज
Answer: Here are the
keyboard shortcut keys for the mentioned functions:
(i) Replace: Ctrl
+ H
(ii) Print: Ctrl
+ P
(iii) Undo: Ctrl
+ Z
(iv) Save: Ctrl +
(b) Write the steps to delete a file
from your computer.
Answer: To delete a file from your computer, follow these steps:
1. Locate the file you want to delete in your file explorer or desktop.
2. Right-click on the file to open the context menu.
3. Select “Delete” from the menu.
4. A confirmation dialog will appear; click “Yes” or “Delete” to confirm.
5. The file will be moved to the Recycle Bin.
6. To permanently delete it, empty the Recycle Bin.
This process helps manage your files and free up space on
your computer.
4. Answer any one of the following
questions in about 100-150 words.
(a) Write four important features of
MS Word.
Answer: Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing software with several important features:
1. Document Formatting: MS Word allows you to format text, paragraphs, and pages. You can change fonts, styles, sizes, and apply various formatting options to make your document visually appealing.
2. Spell Check and Grammar: It has a built-in spell checker and grammar checker, helping users avoid typos and grammatical errors, enhancing the quality of documents.
3. Templates: Word offers pre-designed templates for various documents like resumes, newsletters, and more, making it easier to create professional-looking documents.
4. Collaboration: It supports real-time collaboration, enabling multiple users to work on a document simultaneously, edit, comment, and track changes.
These features make MS Word a versatile tool for creating
and editing documents, making it widely used in offices and schools.
(b) Ria created a file named
“Ria” and now she wants to rename it. Write steps to rename the file.
Answer: To rename a file, follow these steps:
1. Locate the file: Find the file on your computer or in the file explorer where it’s saved.
2. Right-click on the file: Click the file with the right mouse button. This will open a context menu.
3. Select “Rename”: In the context menu, you’ll see an option labeled “Rename.” Click on it.
4. Edit the file name: The file name will become editable. You can now type the new name you want for the file.
5. Press “Enter” or click away: Once you’ve entered the new name, press the “Enter” key on your keyboard, or click away from the file. The file will now have its new name.
Ria can now easily rename her file to whatever she desires.
Renaming files helps in better organization and identification of documents.
5. Answer any one of the following
questions in about 100-150 words.
(a)Write the steps for the following:
(i) To apply border to a page
(ii) To apply paragraph spacing
Answer: (i) To apply a border to a page in a document, follow these steps:
· Open your document in the word processing software (e.g., MS Word).
· Select the page or text to which you want to apply a border.
· Go to the “Page Layout” or “Layout” tab on the top menu.
· Look for the “Page Borders” or “Borders” option and click on it.
· In the “Page Borders” dialog box, you can customize the border settings, such as style, color, and width.
· Preview the border to ensure it looks as desired, and then click “OK” to apply the border to the page.
(ii) To apply paragraph spacing, follow these steps:
· Click within the paragraph or select multiple paragraphs you want to format.
· Go to the “Home” tab in your word processing software.
· In the “Paragraph” group, locate the “Line Spacing” or “Spacing” option.
· Click the dropdown menu next to it and select the desired spacing option, such as “1.5 lines” or “Double.”
· The selected paragraph(s) will now have the chosen spacing applied.
These formatting options help
improve the readability and appearance of your documents.
(b) Write the steps to create a nested
Answer: Creating a nested list involves indenting items to create a hierarchical structure. Here are the steps:
1. Open your word processing software and start a new document.
2. Type out your main list items and press “Enter” after each one.
3. For each sub-item, place the cursor at the beginning of the line and press the “Tab” key on your keyboard. This will indent the sub-item.
4. Type out the sub-item and press “Enter” to move to the next line.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any additional sub-items.
6. To create a new main item, press “Enter” to move to the next line and start typing the main item.
7. Continue this process to add more main and sub-items.
Nested lists help organize information in a structured
manner, making it easier for readers to follow different levels of content.